Promotional Price File

These instructions are for Navigator File Management. For information on File Maintenance in the Green Screen (AS400), refer to Promotional Pricing File - FIL 30 .

You can use the Promotional Price File to establish finely tuned promotional prices or cost exceptions applicable to selected groups of products and for selected groups of customers. The Promotional Pricing File includes provisions for special pricing, special costs, rebates, overbills and contributions to funds such as for company trips and co-op advertising. It can also be utilized as an easy way to set up permanent pricing for special customers such as national accounts, employee accounts and Cost Plus accounts. Promotions that reduce your purchasing cost from your suppliers can also be maintained in this file.

When setting up promotions, you can use many options, such as quantity breaks, transaction types, and restrictions.

Always try to set up the Promotional Pricing File records in a similar structure as the corresponding Price File records. For example, if the Price File contains three quantity breaks, enter three quantity breaks in the Promotional Pricing File with the respective promotional prices. This structure allows for maximum flexibility in the future, and allows the price programs to find exact promotional information that relates to each quantity within the Price File record. We also recommend that, when a promotion contains quantity breaks, you set them to the same quantities that are in the Price File whenever possible. The system still resolves promotional prices based on the rules of the system, regardless of these quantity breaks, but it will be much easier for users to audit an assigned price if the files are consistent.

If you have separate prices by transaction type (inventory vs. direct) or restrictions, ensure your promotion records also consider them. For example, if you have a price for inventory and a price for direct in your Price File, be careful when you set up a promotion for those items. If the promotion is only for inventory, enter the Transaction Type I in the Promotional Pricing File. If you left the transaction type blank in the Promotional Pricing File, which indicates any transaction type, then even direct ship sales could pick up that promotional price.

Promotional Pricing Records can be flagged with one of the following Active Codes:

  • Active A - indicates that an active promotional pricing exception record exists based on Company, Branch, Region, Marketing Program, Display Type, etc. These pricing exceptions are based on a group of customers and not individual customer accounts.

  • Active B - indicates that an active promotional pricing record exists based on an assignment to specific customer accounts. These entries would be found on the F9 panel of the BILLTO file, or BILLTO > Options > Price Exceptions in Navigator.

  • Active F - indicates a future promotional price record.

  • Active H - indicates an expired promotional price record.

During Night Jobs, the system lists all promotions when they are within two days of reach­ing either an effective date or an ending date. Use this listing to make all applicable per­sonnel aware of the price changes in advance.